Encapsulation Technique

In Development by PaulLeave a Comment

I’m a really big fan of encapsulation. I use it all the time, and I’m always looking for improved techniques. One technique I’ve been using recently (in C#) involves using interfaces, nested classes, and a factory method. Here’s an example:

public interface IFoo
    IBar GetBar();

public interface IBar
    void SomeMethod();

public static class Foo
    public static IFoo Create()
        return new FooInternal();

    private class FooInternal: IFoo
        public IBar GetBar()
            return new BarInternal();

    private class BarInternal: IBar
        public void SomeMethod()

A user of this code could do something like this:

var foo = Foo.Create();
var bar = foo.GetBar();

But they wouldn’t have any direct access to FooInternal or BarInternal — which is a good thing! However, FooInternal and BarInternal could access each other if needed.

One downside: using nested classes in this way makes testing a bit harder since you can’t individually create and test FooInternal and BarInternal.


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